Water Conservation Tips
Please notify management immediately if you observe any water waste or loss issues like leaking/dripping faucets, running toilets, or broken sprinklers, as these issues can result in costly loss when not correctly quickly.
California Drought
On Friday, January 17, 2014 Governor Jerry Brown officially declared a drought state of emergency for California. This declaration comes after 2013 became the driest year on record in California’s history. The statewide water crisis shows us that we all need to do our part to reduce water waste and to save water!
On July 15th of 2014 the State Water Resources Control Board mandated that Californians curb their wasteful water practices, or face fines of up $500. The following activities are now prohibited:
- Wasteful Pavement Watering: Using a hose to wash down driveways and sidewalks
- Wasteful Landscape Watering: Watering too much and allowing water to runoff landscaped areas
- Wasteful Car Washing: Using a hose to wash a vehicle unless you have a shutoff valve
- Wasteful Water Features: Using water fountains unless the water is recirculated
Know Your Watering Days!
How Do We Use Our Water?
Did you know that we use almost 70% of our water outside of the home? Reducing water consumption outside can have a huge impact on overall water consumption! However, reducing indoor water usage is a vital part of the overall conservation effort as well. Be sure to review the tables below for tips on how to save water at home!
Outdoor Tips to Reduce Water Usage
Indoor Tips to Reduce Water Usage
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